As a registered setting with Ofsted we follow their guidelines and will be inspected at regular intervals. Below is the latest report and information about our setting.Our latest report
Outstanding in all areas
On April 16th 2024 we were insprected by Ofsted and achieved an overal rating of Good. You can read the full report here
Key Highlights:
Overall effectiveness : Good
The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Good
Leadership and management: Good
Children are greeted enthusiastically by the staff team. Staff provide a safe, welcoming and stimulating learning environment for children, inside and outside.
Children settle quickly into play, are happy and enjoy their time at this friendly preschool. They are interested in the activities, engage in learning and demonstrate enthusiasm and curiosity in their play. For example, older children eagerly tell staff where their car lands after they push it down the guttering channel they have built. This then becomes a game to see whose car travels the furthest.
Staff engage well with children and have high expectations of their behaviour, and as a result, children behave very well. Children’s voices are listened to and valued by the nurturing staff team. Children happily take turns and share toys and often say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ without being prompted. Staff support children’s communication and language development appropriately.
The manager, who is a good role model for staff, carefully asks open-ended and thought-provoking questions to engage and entice children in conversation. During small-world imaginative play, children tell the manager about who lives in the pretend house and what their characters are doing.

What Our Families are Saying